The Mole Cricket (Gryllotalpa orientalis) Preys on Underground Weed Seeds

Author Details

Inagaki Hidehiro, Yonechi Yu, Nakada Haruyuki, Kunwar Ishwor Jung, Inako Rina, Matsuda Sae, Naruse Hiroyuki, Naruse Kazuko

Journal Details


Published: 19 December 2024 | Article Type : Short Communication


In recent years, predation pressure from seed predators that reduces weed populations has garnered attention as a significant ecosystem service for integrated weed management (IWM). However, previously reported seed predator species feed only on seeds on the ground surface. In contrast, this study indicates that the mole cricket (Gryllotalpa orientalis) preys on seeds buried underground.
This study observed that adult mole crickets did not demonstrate a clear preference between preying on seeds and seedlings, whether on the surface or underground. In contrast, the larvae preyed more on the seedlings than on the seeds. Additionally, underground seeds and seedlings were preyed upon more often than those on the surface. In a preference test using ryegrass and clover, adult mole crickets preyed more on the ryegrass, whereas larvae exhibited individual differences and no clear preference.

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Volume & Issue

Article Type

Short Communication

How to Cite


Inagaki Hidehiro, Yonechi Yu, Nakada Haruyuki, Kunwar Ishwor Jung, Inako Rina, Matsuda Sae, Naruse Hiroyuki, Naruse Kazuko. (2024-12-19). "The Mole Cricket (Gryllotalpa orientalis) Preys on Underground Weed Seeds." *Volume 6*, 2, 73-76